Starbucks proposal for the Village.
I believe that having Starbucks in the village would be detrimental to the village.
a. Chain takes away the uniqueness of the village character. b. It would compete with 3 independent coffee shops. These are part of the charm of the village.
starbucks has 4 stores close by. (1-3 miles away- every direction). Their business model tries to wipe out competition. I’ve seen this around Sacramento county. c. would Increase traffic and noise at an already busy intersection especially with a short light for westbound traffic on FO Blvd.
d. Would Increase pollution with more cars stopping and starting engines.
Frankly we don’t need anymore coffee shops in the village. 3 is enough. Surely another business could be proposed that would be a far better fit with current businesses, community needs and village character compatibility.
Bruce Forman