The Fair Oaks Fiesta began in 1949 and attracted over 40,000 visitors over its three-day run. It has created strong and lasting memories for many in the community through the years.
FOVEC believes the Fair Oaks Fiesta is an integral part of what makes Fair Oaks, specifically Fair Oaks Village special, and we need to bring it back. More specifically, we believe it should take place in the Village next May and be run as a community event that attracts visitors, not as a money-making event.
The event pre-dates the Chamber, but for many years the Chamber has taken the lead in hosting the event. Changes to the name, content, and format have been controversial, and over the last three years, the event hasn't occurred at all. We have been working with the Chamber to bring this event back in a form closer to its original format.
What do you think? Please share your favorite memories or photos from past Fair Oaks Fiestas and thoughts about returning this event to Fair Oaks Village.