Parking has and continues to be a challenging issue for Fair Oaks Village and has been a primary focus for FOVEC. We need more and need the spaces that are here to be used by businesses and visitors to the Village. It’s frustrating to businesses, employees, landlords, and visitors when their use is abused.
While in the past we have occasionally had homeless living in motorhomes and cars on Village streets, recently it has become rampant on Entrance Street and has been compounded by commercial vehicles parking there, too. The commercial vehicles are there day and night, and the homeless/vagrants appear to be living in cars parked there including sleeping in them at night. Many of the cars the vagrants/homeless appear to be living in have expired registration, too.
This situation has worsened the Village parking issue and has created a serious problem. Parking commercial vehicles on the Village streets is illegal per Sacramento County Code 10.24.070 (h) as is living in cars on the streets. This illegal parking robs employees and customers of needed parking and causes them to feel fearful of the area.
What can we, as citizens, business owners, landowners, and employees do to combat this?
FOVEC committee members reached out to County Supervisor Peters’ office and the Sacramento County Sheriff’s office to find out.
We were advised, first and foremost, to report any and all violations and illegal parking, EVERY TIME YOU SEE IT!
Report it to both the Sheriff and the CHP. They do not know we have a problem unless it is reported! The more calls they receive, the more seriously they will take the problem.
To report it to the Sheriff call the non-emergency line at 916-874-5115 and/or send them an email at northpop@sacsheriff.com. To report it to the CHP call the East Sacramento office at 916-464-1450. If you see other illegal activity (like drug use, etc.) going on in or near the parked vehicles, call 911. You can also let us at FOVEC know through a message on our website or on our Facebook page.