FOVEC would like to thank everyone who made the time to respond to our O Cafe Parklet Survey. The results are in, and you agreed the parklet should go by a factor of more than 3 to 1.
We now need your help sharing your option with the Department of Transportation and the County.
Please get in touch with Supervisor Rich Desmond at (916) 874-5471 or richdesmond@saccounty.gov
Please also call SacDOT at 916-874-6291 or write to them at
Director's Office​
Design, Programs, PMO,
Planning & Development Services,
Alternative Modes, Administration Division
Department of Transportation
4111 Branch Center Road
Sacramento, CA 95827
We encourage you to use your own words when calling or writing, but we have included our concerns below as suggested topics.
Parking has long been the Village's most significant issue. This expansion reduces public parking just before the problem worsens due to the park renovation in the Village starting this month.
The use of the public property for private business use sets a bad precedent that would be disastrous if other local businesses were to copy
The patio design is unattractive and negatively impacts how the Village is perceived.
With the end of pandemic restrictions, there is no longer any need for this outdoor dining space.