On December 7, The FOVEC Parking Subcommittee submitted an application to the Sac County TOT Grant Program for 2020. This is the second time FOVEC has applied for the TOT Grant in as many years.
This time around FOVEC took advantage of the comments provided by the TOT Grant Subject Matter Expert reviewers. The reviewers had suggested that the Parking Project be submitted not as a stand-alone project but as part of a complete street project which included ADA compliance for sidewalks, beautification, parking, parking innovations, and alternatives to parking such as Uber and Lyft, bicycles, and more. The application is asking for Grant funds to complete the Planning portion of the total project. FOVEC has broken the overall project into phases, each requiring their own Grant application for funding.
Completed in 2013, the previous complete street project was first awarded funds in 2010 only for the Planning & Design portion of the project. It later followed up with a separate application and award process for the Construction portion of the project. The completed project provided Fair Oaks Blvd, as it traverses the Village, with new street lights, bulb-outs for slowing down traffic through the Village, additional parking spots, additional shade trees and landscaping, additional curb gutters, and sidewalks, and crosswalks. It also paved & striped the street to improve parking.
The 2020 Complete Street Project application is looking to continue with the implementation of the FOVEC Vision. If awarded we hope to focus on making the Village a more pedestrian-friendly community with features like a promenade for example, while providing solutions to the shortage of parking. In the past, the recommended parking solution was focused on building a parking structure and parking lots. The challenges associated with that were unsurmountable.
After years of analysis and feedback from different organizations, we feel it's best to look to a mixture of transportation alternatives, including Uber and Lyft, etcetera, and parking solutions that include private parking collaborations, and parking management innovations. As part of the pedestrian features, we hope to continue with ADA improvements to the sidewalks and so much more but we first need to be selected for the Grant award.
The Timeline for the Sac County T.O.T. Grant Program is as follows:
January 2021
Subject Area Expert Panel Application Review
February 2021
Board Panel Meeting: Upon completion of Subject Expert Panel Review/Scoring, the Board Panel (2 Supervisors/3 Chiefs of Staff) will review recommendations and finalize awardees.
Grant Program Hearing Notification: Applicants will receive a second electronic notification of schedule for the Board of Supervisors Hearing where recommended award selections will be made.
Grantee Award Approval
March 2021
Budget & Debt Management will notify applicants of funding selections within 5 business days of Board Hearing approval. All notifications will be made electronically.
Budget & Debt Management will draft and administer agreements between the County and grantees.
The Board of Supervisors will make the final determination and approval for all TOT Grant Program recipients.