This is the place to suggest new items for the Board to consider.
Before suggesting a new item, please review the Handbook or speak with a Board Member to make sure we haven't already acted on it.
While we welcome all suggestions, unless a volunteer is willing to own the new item it will be rejected, so think about potential owners and speak with them before submitting.
To suggest a new Action Item, use the Comment feature to clearly explain what needs to be done when it needs to be done, and who might be willing to do it. Suggested new action items will be reviewed at the next Board meeting.
Membership Types
Our Bylaws describe Voting and Non-Voting members but we don’t have accurate lists
We don’t have a good process to track who has paid
There is confusion regarding FOVEC membership, website membership, and being on our mailing list
FOVEC Projects
What Projects do we want to focus on in 2022?
What is our goal for each Project?
How will we measure success?
What is our Budget for Projects?
What resources will we need?
Fiesta Days
Is there a plan to have Fiesta Days this year?
If not, do we want to sponsor it?
Financial Reporting
What reports are required and what additional information do we want?
When do we need the reports?
How will we ensure the reports are accurate?
Events Plan & Budget
What Events will we Sponsor in 2022?
What is our goal for each Event?
How will we measure success?
What is our Budget for Events?
What resources will we need?
How do we make the best use of our membership in the Fair Oaks Chamber?
For example, should we bring forward needs or issues from Village merchants who are not Chamber members?
Should we rotate Board Members' participation at Chamber meetings and events?
Note we probably should have this conversation regarding FOCAP as well.
Transition Treasurer Role
We need to complete the transition from Keith to Dominick and try to capture the duties and process so future transitions are easy and maintain consistency
Items that need to be a part of transitions
Updated signature cards with bank accounts
Transition of the FOVECtreasurer Google account
Procedures for updating Wave
Procedures for tracking Memberships
Policies on budgets, payments, reporting, information management, taxes
Photo Contest
We need to finalize our plans for how to manage the photo/story contest for Village Park as talked about during the 6/30 Live Update
Live Update Content
Identify a liaison for all the different Village organizations, groups, merchants who would provide regular updates for our Monthly Zoom Live Updates.
This probably should be part of the Outreach Subcommittee and have a section in the Handbook for how the Live Updates are planned, promoted, and hosted.
Create Village Guide that can be downloaded and made available in stores as a way to promote the Village and FOVEC.
This will require a lead volunteer with one or more helpers to update and edit our existing content, review with the merchants, and figure out either a sponsor model or budget for distribution.
Create links between Stories we have published and Merchant listings.
This should be part of a checklist for new website content.
Suggested action is to include this as part of the Handbook.
Update the Village Guide section of this website to include all organizations, groups, businesses in the Village.
This will need to be an ongoing role of the Outreach committee.
Suggested action is to include this as part of the Handbook.